Mold is a serious problem because it thrives in environments that are dark, warm, and humid. Of the hundreds of thousands of mold varieties that exist, some are toxic to humans. It is impossible to detect the variety without a culture done by a mycologist so it is best to strictly follow safety procedures when handling suspect items.
- Always wear gloves (non-latex, PVC, or nitrile) AND a respirator.
- Always discard the gloves and wash your hands after working with moldy books.
- If mold is dry and not excessive, clean boards, pages and covers with isopropyl alcohol using rubber gloves and a respirator in fume hood or well ventilated area. Paper towels and/or cotton swabs can be used in the cleaning and wiping of the moldy areas. All discarded cleaning products should be put in a trash can and made sure of removal that day.
- If your book has active mold which appears to be fluffy and soft, place it in a freezer to halt further mold growth. Once the mold has been halted you may be able to clean it but the book will always be preconditioned to reactivate growth. Seriously consider finding a replacement copy or simply discard.
These websites have additional information: